The highlight was the long-awaited baptism for Ning Ning Judd, a charming Chinese ophthalmologist who is married to a retired American attorney. She has studied the gospel for some four years, moving from no belief in God (a philosophy drilled into her for all her years since kindergarten)to a fervent testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and a sure witness that she has a Heavenly Father who knows her and loves her. It has been a long process, not the least of which was getting the necessary District President's approval to go forward with her baptism. With a district covering nearly all of China but for Shanghai, President Stephen Toronto doesn't get to Xi'an all that often and Ning Ning and Conrad had to learn patience for what seemed like ages once she had completed the missionary discussions and accepted the baptismal challenge. Finally, despite very limited funds, the couple traveled to Beijing to see the president and get her approval for taking this important step.
Clearance to go ahead with the baptism was a critical step but it was just a first. Holding a baptism in China is an interesting challenge on every level. Finding a location to hold it, with adequate privacy and water in and of itself takes some doing. John's 2nd counselor, who speaks Chinese, contacted the Hyatt Regency in Xi'an where another baptism had been held several years ago, only to learn that since that time, the hotel had been sold. A door seemed to have closed but the manager did suggest that someone put a formal request together and she would submit it to the new owners. As branch president, John put together a wonderful email and shipped it off and for the next few days all of us prayed that hearts would be softened in Ning Ning's behalf.
Stepping out in faith the baptism was tentatively scheduled for a week ago Saturday--Ning Ning's only day off work. By Thursday we still did not have permission, or any word. Finally John called and talked with the manager to see if his email had been received and she told him she had just gotten it and would get back with him that day. By day's end there was still no word. Then Friday he received a beautiful email telling him that they would be honored to have us use their Club Zen at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Our prayers answered, the baptism was a go!

We still had no idea of what the facility looked like so I hopped a bus up into the city to check it out. It was absolutely perfect. A lovely quiet room with two huge hot tubs with dressing rooms just off them and with a door that could be closed for complete privacy.
Saturday most of the branch congregated in the Hyatt's Club Zen in our Sunday best, were greeted with great respect and consideration by Hyatt personnel. We were able to have a lovely little meeting before Ning Ning stepped into the waters of baptism holding tight to her husband's hand. With priesthood power he performed that simple, beautiful ordinance and immersed her. She came forth from the water beaming with joy. Conrad drew her to him, both still in the water, and hugged her, and she him. They are an unusual pair.
The Hyatt people were so charming with us. They could not be in with us for the baptism, but came in when we were done and took the picture of our group and ushered us out telling us they hoped to have us come again sometim.
It was the most beautiful event of its type I had ever witnessed. It was such a privilege to be part of it, even on the sidelines. She was to have been confirmed the next day but Conrad became ill and she wouldn't leave him so was unable to attend our meetings. Instead she sent the following email to the branch. It captures a little of her sweetness, and of the wonderful spirit of this special branch that we are blessed to be part of.

Hi, everybody,
I just want to tell all of you how grateful I am to have such a wonderful baptism with you all. From the first day I got to know you, I could feel the warmth, support, encouragement and the love from each one of you. Those were so important for me and Conrad at that period of difficult time. Because of the age difference, we suffered lots of prejudice and misunderstanding. But the great love from you gave us comfort and peace. Every time I think about this, I just marvel how good you are. Yesterday I felt I AM the daughter of my Heavenly Father. I can feel His love. And I know He sent His love to me by all of you. Thank you all for everything you did, thank you for the great love you give me, thank you for the good example you set for me, thank you all!
Today Ning Ning was confirmed and bore her testimony as part of our Fast and Testimony meeting,held this week because of our district conference next week. The home teaching message for the month of February, as you know, was about Finding Joy in sharing the gospel and in these special occasions that have brought Ning Ning into full fellowing in the Church we have been blessed to partake of that joy.
This week we both returned to our full teaching schedule. It is great to be back! I had procrastinated dreadfully in getting prepared for both my oral and writing classes but finally buckled down, put my power points together, and figured out how to begin. I have the same students I had last semester which has its good side--I already know their names and personalities--and its bad side--I can't use a darn thing I used last term so everything has to be created new. I am teaching research writing for my juniors and that is a bit of a challenge for me and for them. Knowing what is and isn't available in the way of resources makes it interesting. But I will muddle along.
John on the other hand has all new students--three sections of graduate engineers, with some 45 or so kids in each. BUT he has the advantage of being able to polish and perfect the materials and ppts he used before. He and our neighbor even put together a text for their classes with all their handouts and sources available to them. He came home beaming from his Tuesday sections--tired but happy that they had gone so well. He makes a pretty nifty college "professor." I am proud of him. It isn't easy to step into a totally new profession in such a challenging setting but he has excelled at it.
Now if we can both just hold up for the next five months we will feel like we have made a contribution, in a tiny way, but a contribution all the same.
On the home front, this has been a big month for our family with birthdays for Kiki (Adam's youngest) on the 20th, Adam's Kimmy on the 23rd, and Patrick on the 25th. We are proud of our boys having both just received major promotions in their employment with Adam becoming the sales manager over his team and Patrick becoming the General Manager of his company's Portland office. We are pleased to see Chi and David face the challenges that life sometimes hands us with courage and faith. Chi is expecting another little one in June and they are planning to move to South Ogden the end of March.
Our hearts are much with John's folks this month as they face the challenge of Pop's having been diagnosed with metathesized cancer through his systems, of a move from Heritage Place in Bountiful to John's only sister's home in Springville, allowing her to care for them at this important transition in their lives. We are so grateful for all Crystal and Lorenz have done to watch out for them over the months we have been away. Pop's greatest concern is not his own pain and discomfort, but rather his focus on worrying about leaving Mom. He has cared for her with such faithful devotion and love for some 60+ years, still viewing her as the beautiful 20-year-old he married. He is an example to all his family. I told him on the phone when he expressed a little nervousness about what lay ahead for him that it would be a "wonderful adventure" to move on to the next world having done all that was required of him here--a grand graduation is surely in store for this good man. I am so grateful for the knowledge we have of the plan of salvation that provides us comfort and peace at such times as these. We are a blessed people!